Dial A Door Security Doors Melbourne

Wood, Aluminum or Steel- Which to Choose for Your Security Door!

Security Doors Melbourne

When making a choice for your security door the highest priority is naturally given to the security level provided by it. While wood has been a long time favorite with most of the people, in recent times, it is being replaced by steel as the optimum security door. Let us compare the features of steel security doors with those of others on the basis of the following features.

Level of Security

This is number one feature that has to be compared among steel, wood and aluminum doors. Steel doors score over the rest of the doors in the fact that they are tested and certified before sale. Different accreditations offering varying levels of security are available in the market and the right one can be selected depending upon the requirements. For example, businesses situated in industrial estates can opt for higher security accredited doors while residential accommodations can opt for lower security accreditations.  

Physical Looks

A wide range of colored steel doors are available to suit the style and finish of every home and that comprises wood-like finishes too. First-in-class polyester powder-coated steel doors that are strong and long-lasting are no match to the likes of wood and aluminum. Customization is possible and the wide variety becomes a strong pull to these doors.


The life of steel doors is much longer than wood and more or less similar to that of aluminum. Steel doors do not rust, shrink, warp or crack while wood easily peels, delaminates or bubbles. Steel doors last for longer periods of time and therefore need to be replaced after more than fifteen years or so.

Energy Efficiency

Insulation values are much more for steel than for aluminum and wooden doors. This makes them energy efficient and therefore they help to reduce the cooling and heating costs for your home. Air seals are also fitted to them to ensure energy efficiency.


Steel security doors offer greater ease of maintenance as compared to wood and aluminum doors. They can be cleaned with any mild liquid wash or a home-detergent.  Dents or marks can be easily repaired or wiped off.


The cost of steel security doors will depend upon the selected hardware, level of security and quality of the item. Locally made steel doors from reputed manufacturers is a best bet as they offer top quality, installation service and also provide after sales assistance.


You can fulfill all requirements of security, aesthetics and robustness with steel doors. Steel security doors become a wise investment especially as they are also fire resistant, energy efficient and provide thermal control feature. Wood on the other hand though may provide a slightly more sophisticated look does not possess the energy efficiency quality nor does it offer security of highest standards. Steel can be made to look like wood by giving it a wood-grain finish. Aluminum is more suitable for places which require a totally glazed look. They are a better option for communal edifices.

There can be no substitute to certified steel security doors!

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